The events of the past month has resulted in many clients asking about the medical qualities of our high performance vinyls, so we thought it timely to clarify how these products perform in medical, hospital or other clinical environments.
High performance Austex vinyls from Wortley have been manufactured with antimicrobial and antibacterial additives which inhibit the growth/spread of bacteria. Any bacteria present is removed from the surface using our recommended cleaning regime.
So what about anti-VIRAL characteristics?
The answer is quite simple… upholstery product is inherently anti-VIRAL, but the simple process of SANITISING and/or DISINFECTING our vinyls with a medical grade SANITISER or bleach solution, will kill and remove viral activity from the surface.
Please follow our cleaning instructions and periodically wipe the vinyl down with a clean damp cloth after sanitising/disinfecting to remove any accumulated chemical residue that may damage the product over time.
Our products are used extensively in hospitals and age care environments all over Australia and are an essential specification for many leading medical providers.
So in summary....our high performance vinyls are indeed antimicrobial and antibacterial, and by disinfecting as recommended, you will be effective in reducing exposure to any viral activity that might be present on its surface.